Accessing Code via Python

Once code has been imported into the platform it can be accessed via the joern shell josh, a Java plugin API, and a python scripting API. In this section, we explain how the Python scripting API can be accessed.

General Note: It is highly recommended to test your installation on a small code base first. The same is true for early attempts of creating search queries, as erroneous queries will often run for a very long time on large code bases, making a trial-and-error approach unfeasible.

Basic Usage

Joern currently provides a single python class,`DBInterface`, that allows to connect to the database server and run queries. The following is a simple sample script that employs this interface to select a project, connect to the server and run a Gremlin query.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from octopus.server.DBInterface import DBInterface

projectName = 'testCode.tar.gz'
query = "g.V.has('type', 'Function').code"

db = DBInterface()

result = db.runGremlinQuery(query)
for x in result: print(x)

Chunking Traversals

Note: It is not clear whether this optimization is still necessary now that the code has been ported to Tinkerpop3.

Running the same traversal on a large set of start nodes often leads to unacceptable performance as all nodes and edges touched by the traversal are kept in server memory before returning results. For example, the query:

g.V.has('type', 'FunctionDef').astNodes().id

which retrieves all astNodes that are part of functions, can already completely exhaust memory.

If traversals are independent, the query can be chunked to gain high performance. The following example code shows how this works:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from octopus.server.DBInterface import DBInterface

projectName = 'testCode.tar.gz'
query = "g.V.has('type', 'FunctionDef').id"

db = DBInterface()

ids = db.runGremlinQuery(query)

for chunk in db.chunks(ids, CHUNK_SIZE):
     query = """ idListToNodes(%s).astNodes().id """ % (chunk)
     for r in db.runGremlinQuery(query):

This will execute the query in batches of 256 start nodes each.