Code Analysis with joern-tools (Work in progress)

This tutorial shows how the command line utilities joern-tools can be used for code analysis on the shell. These tools have been created to enable fast programmatic code analysis, in particular to hunt for bugs and vulnerabilities. Consider them a possible addition to your GUI-based code browsing tools and not so much as a replacement. That being said, you may find yourself doing more and more of your code browsing on the shell with these tools.

This tutorial offers both short and concise commands that get a job done as well as more lengthly queries that illustrate the inner workings of the code analysis platform joern. The later have been provided to enable you to quickly extend joern-tools to suit your specific needs.

Note: If you end up writing tools that may be useful to others, please don’t hesitate to send a pull-request to get them included in joern-tools.

Importing the Code

As an example, we will analyze the VLC media player, a medium sized code base containing code for both Windows and Linux/BSD. It is assumed that you have successfully installed joern into the directory $JOERN as described in Installation. To begin, you can download and import the code as follows:

mkdir tutorial; cd tutorial
tar xfJ vlc-2.1.4.tar.xz
tar zcf vlc-2.1.4.tar.gz vlc-2.1.4/
cd ..

Next, start the joern-server:


Open a new terminal and import the code:

joern-import tutorial/vlc-2.1.4.tar.gz

Exploring Database Contents

Inspecting node and edge properties

Fast lookups using the Node Index

Before we discuss function definitions, let’s quickly take a look at the node index, which you will probably need to make use of in all but the most basic queries. Instead of walking the graph database from its root node, you can lookup nodes by their properties. Under the hood, this index is implemented as an Apache Lucene Index and thus you can make use of the full Lucene query language to retrieve nodes. Let’s see some examples.

echo 'g.V().has("type", "File").hasRegex("code", ".*demux.*").code' | joern-lookup vlc-2.1.4.tar.gz


echo 'g.V().has("type", "File").hasRegex("code", ".*demux.*").out().has("type", "Function").code' | joern-lookup vlc-2.1.4.tar.gz

Plotting Database Content

To enable users to familarize themselves with the database contents quickly, joern-tools offers utilities to retrieve graphs from the database and visualize them using graphviz.

Retrieve functions by name

echo 'getFunctionsByName("GetAoutBuffer").id' | joern-lookup vlc-2.1.4.tar.gz | joern-location


Usage of the shorthand getFunctionsByName. Reference to python-joern.

echo 'getFunctionsByName("GetAoutBuffer").id' | joern-lookup -g | tail -n 1 | joern-plot-ast >

Plot abstract syntax tree

Take the first one, use joern-plot-ast to generate .dot-file of AST.

dot -Tsvg -o ast.svg; eog ast.svg

Plot control flow graph

 echo 'getFunctionsByName("GetAoutBuffer").id' | joern-lookup -g | tail -n 1 | joern-plot-proggraph -cfg >;
dot -Tsvg -o cfg.svg; eog cfg.svg

Show data flow edges

 echo 'getFunctionsByName("GetAoutBuffer").id' | joern-lookup -g | tail -n 1 | joern-plot-proggraph -ddg -cfg >;
dot -Tsvg -o ddgAndCfg.svg; eog ddgAndCfg.svg

Mark nodes of a program slice

echo 'getFunctionsByName("GetAoutBuffer").id' | joern-lookup -g | tail -n 1 | joern-plot-proggraph -ddg -cfg | joern-plot-slice 1856423 'p_buf' >;
dot -Tsvg -o slice.svg;

Note: You may need to exchange the id: 1856423.

Selecting Functions by Name

Lookup functions by name

echo 'type:Function AND name:main' | joern-lookup

Use Wildcards:

echo 'type:Function AND name:*write*' | joern-lookup

Output all fields:

echo 'type:Function AND name:*write*' | joern-lookup -c

Output specific fields:

echo 'type:Function AND name:*write*' | joern-lookup -a name

Shorthand to list all functions:


Shorthand to list all functions matching pattern:

joern-list-funcs -p '*write*

List signatures

echo “getFunctionASTsByName(‘write‘).code” | joern-lookup -g

Lookup by Function Content

Lookup functions by parameters:

echo "queryNodeIndex('type:Parameter AND code:*len*').functions().id" | joern-lookup -g


echo "getFunctionsByParameter('*len*').id" | joern-lookup -g

From function-ids to locations: joern-location

echo "getFunctionsByParameter('*len*').id" | joern-lookup -g | joern-location

Dumping code to text-files:

echo "getFunctionsByParameter('*len*').id" | joern-lookup -g | joern-location | joern-code > dump.c

Zapping through locations in an editor:

echo "getFunctionsByParameter('*len*').id" | joern-lookup -g | joern-location | tail -n 2 | joern-editor

Need to be in the directory where code was imported or import using full paths.

Lookup functions by callees:

echo "getCallsTo('memcpy').functions().id" | joern-lookup -g

You can also use wildcards here. Of course, joern-location, joern-code and joern-editor can be used on function ids again to view the code.

List calls expressions:

echo "getCallsTo('memcpy').code" | joern-lookup -g

List arguments:

echo "getCallsTo('memcpy').ithArguments('2').code" | joern-lookup -g

Analyzing Function Syntax

  • Plot of AST
  • locate sub-trees and traverse to statements

Analyzing Statement Interaction

  • some very basic traversals in the data flow graph